Thursday, November 8, 2012

Science Fair Proposal

1. My topic is Video Game Journalism

2. Some people believe that game reviews do not matter or have no bearing on consumer's
"If a great review meant great sales, then a game called "Ico" would sell as well as "Grand Theft Auto," and the last 50 Cent game would have tanked. But that's not how it works."
Totilo, Stephen. "How Video Game Reviews Affect What You Play." - Music, Celebrity, Artist News. Viacom, 29 May 2008. Web. 14 Feb. 2013. <>.

3.If a game has at least two 'good' reviews (6/10 or more) then it will make significantly more revenue than games which received 'bad' reviews.
4. I will search economical charts on video games sales and reference scores of popular game review sites (such as IGN or Destructoid) to see how much each game made in relation to their scores. Then finally, I will draw a conclusion from that data.

5.Behavioral/Social Science

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Blog 9: Working EQ and Possible Answers

1. How can a video game journalist best thoroughly review a game?

2.I am not going to revise my EQ at this time

3.A video game journalist can best thoroughly review a game by spending an equal amount of time analyzing each aspect of a game.

A video game journalist can best thoroughly review a game by using a combination of both new games journalistic and traditional journalistic styles.