a. I, Cristopher Hernandez, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work.
b. "Bow Nigger." Www.alwaysblack.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2013. <http://www.alwaysblack.com/blackbox/bownigger.html>.
c. Log
d. I played completely through the game "Bioshock Infinite" and wrote a piece on it using style of new games journalism.
Playing through the game with the purpose of using it as the subject for my writing required noting anything that I found interesting each time I played. In the end I produced a relatively short article, that is filled with first-hand experience of what the game is like.
This component helped me better my answers by giving me first hand experience on what it is like to write in the style of new games journalism. This meant that as I was writing I found it's limitations, for example, the more narrative method prevented me from going into specific detail on mechanics. Where as traditional games journalism allowed me to go deeper into detail because the focus was on the game as a product, rather than on telling a story with the game. In addition, it helped me further my knowledge on what to look for in 'good' games, as I have come to identify how when things like health and ammo may or may not be provided to the player can affect the gameplay experience.