1. I am most proud of my extensive research on my topic. This is because I put a great amount of effort in to finding good interviews, and articles to draw knowledge from. I feel that this produced a greater sense of confidence when I actually went to present.
2. a.Presentation: P
b.Project overall: P
3. I think what worked for me was my independent components, as each one gave me valuable first hand experience in reviewing and writing about games in general. If it were not for those components, I would not have had that extra hands-on experience that made me all the more confident in my answer choices.
4. I feel what didn't work for me was my speaking length during my presentation. If I had the capability to go back in time, I would attempt to add more slides with talking points for me to go off of during my 2-hour.
5. Senior project has been helpful to me in that it has helped me prepare for presenting for great lengths of time, and it has improved my analyitical skills. The improvement in my analyitical skills comes from my topic. As a result, I know now the aspects of a game that do and do not work, something I can apply to a design career. For example, I now know that low health and small maps in FPS games is not an effective formula for tactical gameplay, rather, large health and maps are the better choice. In addition, the ability to sustain a presentation of this length could be useful in presenting ideas to game development companies. This is because games are multi-million dollar projects that would require extensive evidence and persuasion to pitch.
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